Silence in the face of evil is evil itself
Dietrich Bonhoeffer
as a European based organization, understanding the important role of Europe in regards to the Jewish people and the existence of the State of Israel not only in the past but also for today.
as a coalition of Christian organizations, grass root movements, and churches from different Christian cultures and backgrounds, representing the whole spectrum of Christian expression: Protestant, Catholic, Evangelical, Orthodox, etc…
the Judaeo-Christian tradition shaped the ethical codes of Western democratic societies and remains central to our set of values today. In this regard, ECI recognizes the singularity of the State of Israel and its culture but also acknowledges the importance of our shared set of fundamental values such as: respect for human rights, gender equality, religious freedoms, freedom of expression, and freedom of trade.
value of approaching all issues through the largest prism possible: legal, historical, human, and a spiritual and religious dimension as well. We believe that the outworking of prayer and education is advocacy. ECI mobilizes prayer, as well as engages with EU-officials, UN-diplomats, and government leaders on behalf of our mission.
the common public opinion as unquestionable “truths” but will always try to challenge the validity of preconceived ideas and common sense in the light of international law and historical facts.