ECI condemns Russian invasion of Ukraine – Nations at risk when international law is dismissed

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Ukraine flagBrussels, February 26th, 2022 – European Coalition for Israel condemns in the strongest possible ways the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

“Today we are all Ukrainians”, ECI Founding Director Tomas Sandell said on Saturday night as Russian troops were closing in on central government buildings in Kyiv. “We cannot accept a new world disorder where might is right and national sovereignty can be called in to question by autocratic regimes who believe they have the right to redraw their own national borders”, he said.

“This new world disorder poses a threat not only to the nations of Europe but also to other parts of the world, including the Middle East where the Islamic Republic of Iran is on the brink of acquiring nuclear weapons while the international community is turning a blind eye to Iranian intrusion in the region and their continuous calls to exterminate the State of Israel.

The international community needs to wake up to reality. By refusing to believe the evil intent of these new autocrats and by letting our political leadership get entangled in Russian economic interests, they have failed to read the writing on the wall.

Now is the time for the world to come together in unity and solidarity with the people of Ukraine as we expand our economic sanctions on Russia and do our utmost to prevent the Islamic republic of Iran from following the dangerous path of Russia”, Sandell said.

A resolution presented on Friday night in the UN Security Council by Albania and the United States, called for an immediate stop of Russian aggression against Ukraine. Eleven UNSC members voted in favour of this resolution which was co-sponsored by more than 80 UN Member States. Russia vetoed the resolution but was alone in opposing it.

ECI commends our friends in the UN General Assembly for working to uphold the UN Charter principles and show Ukraine and President Zelenskyy that they are not alone.


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