ECI presents ´red lines´ ahead of EU-elections this week. Civil duty to pray and vote in the elections.

European elections

European electionsBrussels, May 20th, 2019 – With less than one week to go until the European Parliament elections on 23-26 May*, the European Coalition for Israel has presented a set of red lines for parties and candidates, to be considered by voters across Europe who care for the safety and security of the Jewish people at a time of growing antisemitism on the continent.

“Our main message ahead of the European Parliament elections is that we all need to pray and vote. The Bible urges us to “pray for all those in authority.” This is especially relevant at a time and age when we are entitled to vote in free and open elections for those who will be placed in authority,” ECI Founding Director Tomas Sandell said in a statement on Monday.

He added, “there are good candidates across the party lines but for anyone who cares deeply about the safety and security of European Jewry and for the State of Israel there are several guiding principles that will help identify a suitable candidate, either by looking at the voting record of their respective political party group or by asking the candidates directly on their stances on the following questions.

– What is their opinion on the International Human Rights Alliance (IHRA) definition of antisemitism that includes anti-Zionism as a form of antisemitism?

– What is their view on the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement which was just declared anti-Semitic by the German Bundestag?

– What is their opinion on ritual kosher slaughter and the right for Jews to circumcise their male babies at the eighth day of the infant’s life?

– Should EU-funding to the Palestinian Authority be conditioned on respecting fundamental rights and should there be a zero tolerance for incitement to hatred and violence?


“Good candidates can have different convictions and opinions on many issues, but these are critical questions which give a good indication on how they stand in relation to Israel and the Jewish people”, Sandell explained.

As Europe is facing existential challenges in the years ahead, many Christian leaders have called for prayer for the elections. In Sweden, the Pentecostal movement has just launched a national prayer campaign for the European Parliament elections. Also in Germany and the Netherlands Christian leaders have issued calls to pray for the elections.


* The polls will take place in the UK on May 23rd, 2019. Voters in Ireland turn out the following day. Those in the Czech Republic, Latvia, Malta and Slovakia vote on May 25 and the remaining 21 EU nations cast their ballots on May 26.
The results from every nation will be released on the evening of May 26 after the last polling station in the continent has closed.


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