ECI: Use your vote to influence the future of Europe – Countdown to the EU elections

Outside European Parliament - Use your vote 2024

Brussels, May 6th, 2024 – With only one month to go before the upcoming EU elections on 6-9 May, the European Coalition for Israel issued on Monday a public call to all friends of Israel across the 27 EU member states, to prepare for the elections by taking active part in the EU election campaigning, and by raising issues critical to the safety and security of the State of Israel and to the Jewish communities across Europe.

“Compared with previous EU elections, those eligible to vote no longer have to second-guess where the candidates stand on these issues which are close to the heart of every friend of Israel. Thanks to a recent survey commissioned by ECI and carried out by Brussels-based research institute EU Matrix, there is now concrete data available which is based on the European Parliament voting record from the previous five years. It is essential that these results are widely circulated ahead of the EU elections, and that our concerns over the rise of antisemitism are widely heard at as many campaign events as possible,” ECI Founding Director Tomas Sandell said.

Senior EU leaders have repeatedly affirmed that “there can be no Europe without Jews.” “In a time and age when many Jews feel unsafe in Europe and some are even considering leaving the continent, we need to cast a vote for candidates who are committed to the safety and security of European Jewry, as well as for the State of Israel,” Sandell concluded.

To find out how the respective political parties represented in the European Parliament voted on issues related to Israel during the last electoral term 2019-2024, please visit our special website

For more information about the EU-elections, please visit the official European Parliament election website

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