International Holocaust Remembrance Day is on 27 January – ECI to host Holocaust education webinar for next generation

Dov Forman-Lily EbertBrussels, January 17th, 2023 – With only ten days to go before the International Holocaust Remembrance Day on January 27 European Coalition for Israel is reaching out to its constituency with a unique Holocaust education webinar produced by young people for young people.

“With the gradual disappearance of the last Holocaust survivors, educating the young generation about the horrors of the Holocaust is becoming increasingly difficult”, says ECI Communications Officer Rebeka Goba who is spearheading the initiative. In a unique collaboration with young social media influencer Dov Forman (18) and his 99-year-old great-grandmother Lily Ebert who survived the Holocaust, they have already reached over one billion viewers on TikTok and other social media platforms with video clips about the Holocaust.

“Only by engaging with the young people where they are can we make a difference in a situation where many are ignorant or unaware of the horrors of the Holocaust. A recent US survey revealed that 60 percent of those between 18 and 39 did not know that six million Jews were murdered in the Holocaust. “By forgetting or even denying the mere existence of the Holocaust we are doomed to repeat it”, Rebeka Goba warns.

On January 24, Goba will host a unique webinar together with Dov Forman and other panellists who will discuss how we can keep the memory of the Holocaust alive and what can be done to fight Holocaust denial and distortion. In the webinar you will also hear from German MEP Sergey Lagodinsky and EU Coordinator on combating antisemitism, Katharina von Schnurbein who will share what the European Union is doing to fight antisemitism today.

Since its inception in 2003 European Coalition for Israel has been actively keeping the memory of the Holocaust alive. In 2005 ECI initiated and co-hosted the first ever Holocaust Remembrance Day event in the European Parliament in Brussels which has since become institutionalised as an official EU-event. In 2021 ECI launched the ChurchesAgainstAntisemitism network to enable local churches around the world to keep the memory of the Holocaust alive and help fight antisemitism today. Last year ECI and the new church network hosted the 80th anniversary of the Wannsee conference in Berlin. This year ECI will call upon these and other church communities around the world to make the webinar and other Holocaust education resources available for their youth groups.

To sign up for the webinar on 24 January at 18.30 Brussels time, please register here.

For more information about ChurchesAgainstAntisemitism, please click here.

For additional resources on how to commemorate the victims of the Holocaust in your own faith community please visit our website.


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