Rome, April 13th, 2024 – With US intelligence reports warning of a likely Iranian strike on Israeli soil in the next 24 to 48 hours ECI Founding Director Tomas Sandell issued a statement expressing full support for the Jewish state.
“There should be no doubts as to where the sympathies of the Christian world lie in this civilizational conflict”, he said. ”The enemies of Israel are ultimately the enemies of our Judeo-Christian civilization. Whereas occasional quarrels inside this family are normal, an Iranian attack on Israel is likely to mobilize the Western world in an unprecedented way.”
In the last 24 hours the tone from Washington, Paris and London has changed dramatically from a critical assessment of Israel’s military operation in Gaza to an expression of full support for the security of Israel. An Iranian strike is likely to further cement this support and convince those who have previously chosen the path of appeasement in relation to the Islamic regime in Tehran to understand that Iran does indeed pose an existential threat not only to Israel but to the whole free world.
In a meeting earlier in the day a senior Italian elected leader explained how support for Israel is codified both in the Italian constitution and in the EU treaties as both texts commit to supporting human rights, fundamental freedoms and the rule of law. “ Israel is the only democratic state in the Middle East and therefore a strategic ally. An attack on Israel is therefore an attack on all of us who subscribe to these universal values.”