ECI’s Purim appeal to JCPOA negotiators in Vienna: Don’t give Haman nuclear capabilities!

Vienna talks 2022

Vienna talks 2022Brussels, March 16th, 2022 – European Coalition for Israel has made an appeal to the international negotiators in Vienna not to give in to the demands of the Islamic Republic of Iran as they enter the final phase of the nuclear negotiations aiming at reviving the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) on the Iranian nuclear program from 2015.

“Recent developments in Ukraine have shown that autocratic leaders who threaten their enemies will sooner or later put their words in to action if they are not stopped in time,” ECI Founding Director Tomas Sandell said on Wednesday.

”As the Islamic Republic of Iran has repeatedly denied or trivialized the Holocaust while at the same time threatened to wipe the Jewish state off the world map, it would be irresponsible for the international community to entrust it with a nuclear program,” Sandell continued. “Furthermore, it should raise particular concern that Russia, who is currently conducting a brutal offensive war against Ukraine, is at the same time playing a key role in these negotiations, which if they succeeded, would both strengthen the Russian war economy, despite the current sanctions, and release some 100 billions to the Islamic regime, funds which will never trickle down to the Iranian people but instead be used to spread further terror inside Iran and in the Middle East. A final agreement would not only reward Iran with these astronomic financial means but at the same time lift sanctions against 112 of the world’s worst terrorists and human rights abusers.”

On Wednesday night the Jewish world will celebrate the holiday of Purim, which commemorates the failed attempt of the Persian ruler Haman to annihilate the Jewish people at the time. In Jewish history there have been many such local Purims, where Jewish communities have been under similar threats but still miraculously survived. Still, the current threat to the Jewish people involves not only a new Haman in Iran but also nuclear weapons with the capacity to wipe out a whole nation. Twenty-four centuries after Purim we appeal to the international community – do not reward this modern-day Haman with nuclear capabilities!


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