Annual Policy Conferences

Each year, the European Coalition for Israel organizes an annual policy conference in the European Parliament where we engage with EU policy makers and diplomats. Over the years, we have covered many issues, which relate to EU-Israeli relations and the situation for Jewish communities in Europe.


The conference concentrated in celebrating 60 years of diplomatic relations between the European Union and the State of Israel. The speakers expressed a wish for a continuing and stronger dialogue in the future.


The theme “EU, Israel and European Jewry – the next fifteen years” was discussed. The event featured speeches by European and Israeli deputies as well as a first ever Hanukkah candle lighting ceremony inside the European Parliament.


The conference discussed whether Europe is supporting or undermining peace in Jerusalem. ECI provided a solid defence for a united Jerusalem, also by presenting an open letter to the EEAS Head of Middle East Unit. UNESCO Director-General Irina Bokova sent a greeting to the conference, underlining preservation of Jerusalem’s cultural heritage.


Renewing Israeli-European partnership was discussed. ECI underlined the importance of deepening cooperation with Israel, both in the area of security and innovation as well as other strategic areas in society. Unlike the BDS movement which breeds antisemitism, Israel’s innovations promote peace and prosperity and benefit the citizens of Europe. 

Andrew Tucker speech ECI Annual Conference April 2016


“Jewish contributions to European culture and values” were addressed. Recognizing the important contribution of the Jewish community to Europe – over centuries and still today – is central to understanding our Western societies and its foundations.


ECI presented the correlation between the Yom Kippur War, the oil crisis in 1973 and the shift in European Community policies towards Israel. This was also the start of an ongoing campaign to debate the EU policies towards the disputed territories in Judea, Samaria, the Golan Heights and East Jerusalem.


ECI presented the legal foundations of the modern State of Israel as it relates to the San Remo Resolution of 1920. This was the first time that members of European Parliament and EU-officials were made aware of the importance of the Paris Peace Conference, adjourned to San Remo in April 1920, which paved the way for the creation of the modern State of Israel in 1948.


ECI presented a critical review of EU funding to the Palestinian Authority. Later in the year, the European Commission decided to freeze its funding to the PA citing arguments made in our report.

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